Basic Info :)

Name: Glitch/Ran/Flora/Meadow :DSexuality/Gender: I am a gay trans male <3Pronouns: He / they / it / any neos (ex: voi/void, blu/blue, dow/dew, mush/shroom, etc)What I do: I scribble with colour and call it art :D I post on Twitter (unfortunately)Fun Facts: I'm albino, I'm a band choir and theatre kid, and I have almost d!ed a total of 6 times in my life B)heehee hoo

CC's I watch.RanbooAimseyBillzoPhilzaQuackityNiki NihachuTubboBadlinuSneegSnagMarkiplierEthan (CrankGamePlays)James MarriottSnifferishGuqqieJack ManifoldJschlattEretHannahxxRoseTapLSherbertCaitibugz

CC's I have drawn/plans to draw.RanbooAimseyBillzoTubboSneegSnagSnifferishJack ManifoldEretNiki Nihachu.PhilzaQuackityMarkiplierEthanJames MarriottGuqqieJschlattHannahxxRoseTapLSherbertCaitibugz